
Exploring the PropTech Revolution: Unlocking Innovation within the Real Estate Industry


Author: Joe O'Connell

In recent years, the real estate landscape has witnessed a profound transformation with the advent of proptech. This burgeoning sector represents a seismic shift in the way we approach, interact with, and optimize various facets of real estate. In this article, we delve into what Proptech is, its diverse subcategories, the opportunities it presents, and examples of its resounding success.

Understanding Proptech

Proptech encompasses a spectrum of technological innovations designed to enhance and streamline operations within the real estate industry, creating a more connected and responsive ecosystem. There are various categories of proptech, including:

  • Real Estate Technology: Platforms like Zillow, Redfin, and Zoopla provide users with comprehensive real estate information, changing the way people search for and evaluate homes.
  • Construction Technology: Proptech is reshaping the construction landscape with innovations like Building Information Modeling (BIM), modular construction, and augmented reality for project visualization and management.
  • Shared Economy: Companies like Airbnb have disrupted the traditional hospitality sector, allowing property owners to monetize unused spaces, ushering in a new era of flexible accommodation.
  • Smart Cities: Proptech plays a pivotal role in the development of smart cities, incorporating IoT devices and data analytics to enhance urban living through improved infrastructure, energy efficiency, and sustainability.
  • Fintech Integration: The intersection of Proptech and Fintech introduces novel financial solutions, streamlining property transactions, crowdfunding, and investment processes.

Opportunities within Proptech

  • Efficiency Gains: Proptech optimizes processes, reducing inefficiencies and automatesroutine tasks, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of real estate operations.
  • Data Accessibility: Breaking down information silos, Proptech provides seamless access to real estate data, empowering stakeholders to make more informed decisions.
  • Innovation in Construction: The incorporation of advanced technologies in construction leads to faster project completion, cost savings, and improved safety measures.
  • Monetization of Assets: Shared economy platforms enable property owners to unlock additional revenue streams by renting out spaces on a short-term basis.

Proptech at Avignon

At Avignon, we experience industry inefficiencies first hand and are well-placed to identify which products and solutions are required most. Our latest partnership is with Measurbl, the world’s leading ESG data management platform for commercial real estate, with approximately 70,000 commercial buildings onboarded, representing more than 1 billion square meters across 90 countries. Measurabl allows users to visulaise energy and sustainability in buildings, and presents the following benefits:

  • Measure, track and reduce the carbon emissions of our assets: Measurabl automatically calculates all operational carbon emissions generated from our buildings and enables us to track and reduce carbon emissions over time. Customers typically achieve double-digit emissions reductions within the first year of using the software.
  • Regulatory compliance: Measurabl’s integrated tools will enable us to align with the EU taxonomy and thereby remain compliant with upcoming regulations across the UK and EU.
  • Reduced operating costs: Measurabl helps to identify where we can optimize operating costs through the reduction of energy and water usage in our buildings. The software also provides recommendations for specific decarbonization measures.
  • Streamline and centralize our utility data collection and management: Measurabl saves us considerable time when it comes to collecting & managing sustainability data, as the platform enables us to automate manual processes, centralize data from different sources, collaborate with all of our stakeholders via one single source, and eliminate errors.
  • Risk mitigation: Measurabl allows us to fully understand the sustainability-based risk profile of our assets, enabling us to manage these ESG risks more appropriately.
  • Simplify reporting and benchmarking (i.e. GRESB & BREEAM): Measurabl is the leading GRESB submission platform in the world, which is crucial, as ESG benchmarking and data is now seen as critical in protecting and enhancing real estate values.
  • Continued innovation: Measurabl continues to add new features, products and services (i.e. climate risk software), making us well positioned to further increase the sophistication of our ESG analysis in the future.

Ultimately, we are focused on staying at the forefront of technological developments and eager to utilise innovative, tech-led processes in our portfolio for the benefit of our investors, tenants and stakeholders.


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